北京赛维特视觉科技有限公司是机器视觉零部件和解决方案供应商,致力于为视觉行业的 客户提供一站式服务。
公司拥有韩国Vieworks、Zebra、JAI、Photonfocus、Photonis、Baumer、CCS、RICOH、 Hewtech等多家国际知名视觉品牌的代理权,可提供相机、光源、镜头、采集卡、数据线、 图像处理库以及全方位机器视觉零部件产品。
总部位于北京市怀柔区,在上海、深圳设有办事处,可快速响应客户需求;团队有多位拥 有20多年行业经验的资深工程师,可提供一对一技术支持和咨询服务,快速定位问题、解 决问题,帮助客户实现高效研发和生产。
赛维特秉承以客户为中心、服务至上、诚信合作的理念,将国外先进的、性价比高的产品和 技术引进国内,服务于国内客户,为中国智能制造的蓬勃发展贡献自己的力量。

Beijing SynVision Technology Co., Ltd. is a machine vision components and solution provider,committed to providing one-stop service for vision customers.
The company is a reliable distributor of Vieworks, Zebra, JAI, Photonfocus, Photonis, Baumer, CCS, RICOH, Hewtech and other international well-known manufacturers. We can provide cameras、lighting、lenses、acquisition cards、cables、image processing software and all machine vision components.
Headquartered in Huairou Beijing, with offices in Shanghai and Shenzhen, we are able to respond to customer needs very quickly; The team has a number of senior engineers with more than 20 years’ experience, can provide one-to-one technical supports and consulting services, quickly locate problems, solve problems, and help customers achieve efficient R & D and production.
Adhering to the concept of customer-centric, service-oriented and honest cooperation, we introduce advanced and cost-effective products and technologies from abroad to serve China customers, and contribute our own strength to the vigorous development of intelligent manufacturing in China.





地址: 北京市怀柔区雁栖经济开发区兴科东大街11号院2号楼4层406室